Investment Strategy

We seek opportunities with highly asymmetric return characteristics where the investment thesis is differentiated relative to consensus. 


We capture contrarian alpha from UK equities. We do this by using fundamental analysis coupled with catalyst-driven mean reversion investments.

The result is a concentrated and directional portfolio of hidden quality longs and forensic accounting shorts.

Our strategy aims to find mispriced UK equities and trade them as they pass back through their fundamental equilibrium over time.

We operate in the widening market gap between short-term quant-orientated traders and closet indexers.


We have a contrarian mindset. Emotions and investor sentiment move more than cashflows and business model changes.

We thrive on sifting through discarded, misunderstood and esoteric opportunities to find skewed risk-reward situations, often finding ‘hidden gems’ in unfashionable areas.

We believe this approach will endure, as human nature does not change.


Our process can be summarised in three steps. We value a company, pay less for it and then trade the catalyst.

Value the Equity – Understand the company’s fundamentals and critical performance drivers.

Acquire at Discount – Preference to buy quality and to short frauds to the degree that the market offers at any one time.

Initiate Catalyst-Driven Position – The trade journey matches the investment thesis to maximise risk-return and helps avoid value traps.

Benefits for Investors

Access to one of the biggest and most liquid markets in the world.

Idiosyncratic, high return profile with low correlation to the pedestrian UK equity market.

A counterbalance to market fads and fashions.

Weekly liquidity, easy to value – for a fully regulated UK OEIC with no gate or hidden fees.

Commitment to keeping our capacity small to keep performance high.